Teaching Fellows Forms
Please note that all forms listed below are for current or graduated Teaching Fellows who are in good standing with the Teaching Fellows Program and are repaying their obligation by service.
If you are making monetary payments on your Teaching Fellows loan, please contact Arlene Crisco at 803.323.4032 ext. 6414 or Email Arlene Crisco to receive appropriate forms or information.
Return forms by mail or email to:
Attn: Teaching Fellows Program
116 Withers at Winthrop University
Rock Hill, SC 29733
Email Center for Educator Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement
Contact Information Update Form
This electronic form may be used by any Teaching Fellow to provide CERRA with updated contact information. This form is not for loan cancellation purposes.
Click here to access the Contact Information Update Form.
Loan Cancellation and Deferment Form
The loan cancellation form must be submitted at the end of each year of teaching to request cancellation of Teaching Fellows funds received (notifying us of one year of completed teaching service so that we may forgive one year of your funds received) and to request deferment for the upcoming academic year (notifying us that you have a position for the upcoming year and will again be teaching). Both sections (cancellation and deferment) must be completed if you taught during the past year and plan to teach during the upcoming year. You must have your district Personnel Director complete the bottom section of the form.
**Please note, if you are newly graduated and will be teaching during the upcoming year for the first time, you will still need to send us a Loan Cancellation/Deferment Form, but you will only need to complete the Deferment dates section and may leave the Cancellation dates blank.**
Click here to download the Loan Cancellation and Deferment Form
Request for Deferment - Graduate School Form
This electronic form may be submitted to request deferment of your Teaching Fellows loan forgiveness obligation while you are enrolled full-time in a graduate program. You are only eligible to defer for graduate school for up to three (3) years.
Click here to download the Request for the Deferment Graduate School Form
Request for Deferment - Military Service
This form may be submitted to request deferment of your Teaching Fellows loan forgiveness obligation while you are on active duty in the US Armed Services. You are only eligible to defer for military service for up to five (5) years.
Click here to download the Request for Deferment Military Service Form
Request for Deferment - Peace Corp
This form may be submitted to request deferment of your Teaching Fellows loan forgiveness obligation while you are serving with the Peace Corps. You are only eligible to defer for Peace Corps work for up to three (3) years.
Click here to download the Request for Deferment Peace Corps Form
Intent to Apply for Grace Year Form
This electronic form may be submitted to notify us of your intention to apply your "grace year." You are eligible for one grace year. You may apply your grace year at any point during your loan forgiveness period. Your grace year may be split across academic years, if necessary.
Click here to download the Grace Year form
Long-Term Substitute Loan Cancellation Form
This form may be used to request loan cancellation for service as a substitute teacher. You will be allowed to use substitute teaching experience for loan forgiveness purposes provided you complete 90 days of service and each substitute teaching placement is continuous for a minimum of 20 days. Continuous shall be defined as no more than one instructional position and no more than two instructional assignments. The time served as a substitute shall not extend beyond two semesters or 180 days, whichever is less. If you are not certified, you will need to provide evidence that you are in the process of seeking initial teacher certification.
Click here to download the Long-Term Sub Form
Application Verification Form
This form must be completed and submitted as documentation with a Special Request form when asking for deferment due to difficulty securing a position in a public school. Special Requests are reviewed by the Teaching Fellows Subcommittee of the CERRA Board of Directors and you are notified of a decision once it has been made. If you feel you need to submit a Special Request to the CERRA Board, please contact us at Email Center for Educator Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement for a copy of the Special Request form.
Click here to download the Application Verification Form
Selective Service Form
Each male recipient of the South Carolina Teaching Fellowship must certify that he has met the requirements of the Military Selective Service Act. The Selective Service form can be used to update us of your registration status.